Corporate Training Development

There will be times when the current environment is optimally suited for our personality. This also means there will be times when it isn’t. However, personalty in and of itself is complex and challenging to comprehend. This training has been designed to make these complexities accessible to individuals within a team. 

Ed Nissen has complied countless hours studying research, acquiring knowledge from some of the greatest minds in psychology, accumulating clinical experience with clients working on personality in the context of their personal and professional pursuits, and has devoted much of his time to become nuanced in personality psychology. Collectively, this has afforded him, along with other various clinical experiences, a broad and deep understanding of human dynamics when it comes to all types of relationships.

Personality, particularly certain traits, is the second most reliable predictor of life success outcomes, second only to IQ. The Five-Factor Model is the foundation on which the two assessments systems we use: Big Five Aspects Aspect and a trio of Hogan Assessments. Both of these models are regarded as some the most psychometrically valid personality models. The scientific methods used to conduct research for this model are more advanced than those used during the development of other personality models, most notably, the Myers-Briggs. This is not discount the value of the Myers-Briggs, but it is to provide scientific insights into the fact that it has been disproved by modern science, which indicates that it is not reliable nor predictable. There are other popular personality models commonly used in corporate settings, but there is no need to mention them here due to the lack of scientific validation they hold. 

Lastly, because personality psychology, specifically the Big 5, provides clarity and insights into ourselves that we would otherwise never have, it positions us to be more precise with our interactions with others. In turn, the quality of communication can be greatly enhanced, and barriers that usually come with personality differences can be transformed into steppingstones that profoundly improve compatibility. It is the achievement of a highly nuanced yet strong compatibility that can afford teams to be a force to be reckoned with.

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