Meet Paul Michaud, MD

The Extraordinary Leader & Father

A Remarkable Odyssey of Resilience and Purpose

In a world where genuine leadership is a rare commodity, Dr. Paul M. Michaud stands tall as an inspiring figure, whose life story is a testament to resilience and the power of compassion. As a dedicated father to his five sons, Paul has learned invaluable lessons about life, humanity, and empathy. He draws strength from the memory of his late father, who serves as a powerful inspiration for the kind of leadership he exhibits in every aspect of his life.

Through immense personal challenges – the loss of his father, a difficult career redirection, and the end of his marriage – Paul has faced adversity head-on. Yet, his story of redemption continues to unfold, providing him with profound insights that shape his unique approach to leadership. It's an approach marked by both competence and compassion, allowing him to connect deeply with people from all walks of life.

As a Certified Physician Executive and Radiologist, Dr. Paul boasts a 13-year history of creating exceptional work environments and impressive growth in various roles. His experience ranges from Nuclear Medicine Consultant to the Army Surgeon General to Chief Medical Officer and beyond. Paul's time as a liaison to the Army Surgeon General and his significant contributions to Army leadership development have given him a unique advantage in crafting innovative leadership models.

But it's not just his professional accomplishments that make Dr. Paul an exceptional leader; his profound understanding of human nature and empathy for others make him an invaluable asset as an organizational leadership consultant. Whether through corporate training or leadership coaching, Paul's compassionate approach to leadership is aimed at helping others achieve their best possible existence.

Ever since the Institute of Purpose was founded by Ed Nissen, Dr. Paul has been by his side. Driven by the institute's potential for meaningful impact, he's determined to play a vital role in its growth and contribution to the world. Paul's life experience and expertise bring an invaluable dimension to the Institute of Purpose, making him a cornerstone of the organization.

Dr. Paul's list of accomplishments is long and distinguished. From improving patient care access and satisfaction to developing groundbreaking leadership programs and teleradiology ventures, his innovative spirit has made a significant difference in the lives of many. His leadership achievements are equally impressive, with a host of accolades and positions that showcase his ability to inspire and lead others.

In an age when true leaders are hard to find, Dr. Paul M. Michaud's story stands as a beacon of hope and inspiration. His compassion, competence, and dedication to the well-being of others make him not only a remarkable leader, but also a testament to the power of resilience and the indomitable human spirit. As a key figure in the Institute of Purpose, he continues to shape the lives of countless individuals, proving that sometimes, the most compelling stories are those that unfold right before our eyes.